Dr. Richard Orsi - Public History 4032
What are we talking about when we say "Public History".....
- Charles Sturt University, Australia: Definition of "Public History."
This is the "guest entrance" to their site. Part of this site is for a University course taught there and may be secured.
What are we talking about when we say "Internet".....
- The Internet - What, When, Where, How & Who?: The History of the Internet
- A History of the Net: Masters Thesis by Henry Edward Hardy
Some good general resources and agencies:
- American Association For State and Local History (AASLH): Leadership for and service to those who practice and support history in North America.
- California Historical Society (CHS): California's official historical society - primarily provides "content" for
- The Library of Congress: Among other things, resources for libraries, information professionals, and researchers.
- The American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA): To promote the professional, ethical and business practices
of the cultural resources industry.
- National Council on Public History (NCPH): To advance professionalism of Public History.
- The Public Historian (from NCPH): Quarterly publication of the NCPH. Also under their "Rights and Permissions" there
is an E-Mail address for SCAN Database access for institutional site licensing.
- Organization of American Historians (OAH) Links Page: Very good set of resources and links to other web sites.
- Albertson College, Collection of Links: Great Undergrad Warning to the effect that the Internet should
be used as a starting point only, or to fill gaps in knowledge (Shown here more for acknowledgement to warning, not necessarily content).
- The Association for History and Computing (AHC): Source guide for historians around the world.
- The American Historical Association (AHA): The Oldest National Level Professional Historians' Organization, Chartered in 1889.
- The California Historical Society: Visual Imaging/Automation Project - Not much to the web page, but a promising
project and a curator contact.
- The Society of American Archivists (SAA): To help ensure the identification, preservation, and use of the nation's historical record.
- The Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG): Founded in 1979 as a non-profit professional organization to promote study and broad understanding of the history of the United States Government and
to serve as the voice of the federal historical community.
- The Register for Professional Historians : The California Council for the Promotion of History (CCPH) Professional Register.
Until the Register was established, there was no convenient way to contact other professionals with experience in these fields. The Links are outdated and as web pages go,
this is very poor. Placed here for acknowledgement of a good organization. The Register provides that method of contact.
- The Institute for Public History (IPH): University of Miami- Tools one can use in examining South Florida's
history and culture.
Here are some examples of "Public History" here in California:
- The California State Railroad Museum: It is run by the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Great pictures of some of the locomotives and cars used, as well as a brief history of some
of those and the events surrounding them.
- The Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum: stereoviews,
engravings, maps, and documents illustrating the history of the first
transcontinental railroad.
- The Stories of San Marcos Pass: Ewan Kummel's 6th Grade Project in 1992
- a budding PH if there ever was one.
- The Marin County Historical Society Online: A nice piece of the Coastal Miwok, Marin's "first" settlers - very well done.
- The Marin County Historical Society (again): Mexican California (1822-1847) Land Grant Distribution in Marin - good work.
- Monterey County Historical Society: Local history pages - Not extensive, but a good starting point for the Monterey Bay area.
- The Living History Project, Santa Clara Valley: A Nonprofit Organization dedicated to exploring
the ways that the past can teach us, enrich our lives, and prepare us for the future.
- Santa Clarita Valley (Newhall, CA) History in Pictures: Joint project between the town and the
historical society. Some of their links point to some wonderful images/pictures.
- Sierra County Historical Society: A Gold Rush Visitor attraction/advertisement, not a lot of content, but very pretty "fluff."
- Eastern Oregon University: Public History Project on a local family (Oregon's close isn't it?) It's
a very well done local history project.
And yes, there are lucrative jobs available to the "Public Historian"
- The Winthrop Group: Historical Consultants - Competition for Dr. Douglas Littlefield.
- Public History Center, Phoenix, AZ: Historical Consultants, their motto, "Every time history repeats itself, the price goes up."™
For those considering Advanced Degrees in "Public History".....
- University of California, Riverside: Program in Historical Resources Management
- Arizona State University's "Public History" Program: ASU's Masters Program
- The State University of New Jersey, Camden Campus: Graduate Program in Public History
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington: UNWC's Masters Program
My hope is that the page might be useful to subsequent offerings of this class and
might possibly be used as a starting point by an instructor or student. The intent
(for obvious reasons) is not to be an all encompassing page for any aspect of Public
History, but rather a starting point for the thought process and possibly to do a
better job at defining "Public History."
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